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The organic matter such as lipids in the microalgae can be converted


Can be pyrolyzed into bio-oil as well. The combination of microalgae and other food ingredients not only retains most of the nutrients of the microalgae, but also enhances the nutritional value of the finished food products, including increased levels of protein, vitamins and trace elements..Microalgae has broad application prospects in energy and environmental protection, food industry, medical health, feed industryand cosmetics industry.Alfa Chemistry Launched Microalgae Powder Services On October 24, 2019, Alfa Chemistry announced that it has launched microalgae powderproductionservices.Energy and environmental protectionMicroalgae biodiesel is expected to replace traditional fossil fuels.


In addition to the lipids, other algal cell components (proteins, polysaccharides, etc. At present, the annual production capacity of Alfa Chemistry's microalgae and related natural extracts has exceeded 2,000 tons. The organic matter such as lipids in the microalgae can be converted into a combustible liquid fuel by techniques such as transesterification and thermochemical decomposition. It has obtained more than 75 patents in the breeding, cultivation, processing and extraction of microalgae, serving customers in the feed, food, nutraceutical and pharmaceutical sectors.Alfa Chemistryis a high-tech company specializing in the cultivation of microalgae powder and the production of related natural extracts.


Food industry Microalgae are rich in protein and oil, can Guardrail powder coating be used as food for humans and various livestock, and can also be used to make various food additives. Moreover, the microalgae consumes a large amount of CO2 while providing energy, which can effectively alleviate the greenhouse effect, and the microalgae can absorb nutrients in the sewage and purify the water. Spirulina is rich in high-quality protein, γ-linolenic acid fatty acids, carotenoids, vitamins, and various trace elements such as iron, iodine, selenium, zinc, etc. Microalgae have rich nutritional value, the most representative of which is spirulina.Microalgae are rich in nutrients, contain trace elements and various biologically active substances, and have the advantages of easy artificial propagation, fast growth and short breeding cycle


You can also make use of the proton pump inhibitors


You can also make use of the proton pump inhibitors including rabeprazole, omeprazole, pantoprazole, and prazole for the best Gerd Treatment. Almost 20% of the people in the US are suffering from GERD.Avoid Processed FoodsYou need to avoid sugars and processed foods because they are responsible for creating the bacterial imbalance in the intestinal tract and stomach. .Author Bio:RefluxMD provides an overview of all reflux treatment. The best crystal salt should consist of trace minerals and chloride.The Best Acid Reflux Gerd Treatment The GERD disease can be easily diagnosed through its symptoms. Promotility agents including bethanechol, and metoclopramide promotes emptying of the stomach quickly by tightening the lower esophagus. It is also suggested to consume plant based Betaine HCL supplement before intake of food.You should quit smoking and avoid alcohol. You need to prevent intake of onions, tomatoes, drinks with caffeine, garlic and chocolate.

It blocks the production of certain enzymes needed for the production of acids in the stomach. You can make use of FloraTrex to balance your gut using useful bacteria. The best Acid reflux GERD treatment is to make lifestyle changes including habits, diet and lifestyle.Utilize Promotility Agents and H2 blockers to cure GERDYou can use H2 blockers and antacids, promotility agents, coating agents, and proton pump inhibitors for the Acid reflux GERD treatment.The esophagus gets inflamed or irritated due to the entry of stomach acids into the esophagus.It is suggested to use antacids such as Maalox, Gaviscon, Tums, and Mylanta for the Acid reflux GERD treatment. It is suggested to include fresh vegetables and fruits in your diet. However, you should only use promotility agents moderately for the best Gerd Treatment.Coating agents including sucralfate provide protection from the stomach acids by coating the mucus membranes. It is highly effective to prevent acid reflux.Organic Aloe Vera for Upset StomachYou can prepare Aloe Vera juice using the Aloe Vera in your backyard to treat diarrhea, upset stomach and acid reflux. You can also make use of enzyme supplements such as VeganZyme.

If you are looking for Acid reflux GERD treatment get in touch with us so that we can guide you based on the best Gerd Treatment.It is suggested to consume Histamine-2 receptor blockers such as ranitidine, famotidine, cimetedine and nizatidine to cure GERD. The common factors responsible for acid reflux are consuming large meals, excessive weight, intake of snacks or food at the time of going to bed, going to the bed immediately after intake of a large meal, smoking, intake of fatty foods, carbonated drinks, alcohol, tea, coffee, mint, chocolate, tomato and citrus fruits. You should also avoid fatty foods, Zinc rich powder coatings spicy foods, and should consume food at least 2 hours before going to the bed.You can prevent the acid reflux by increasing hydrochloric acid production in your stomach.Raw Foods are a source of EnzymesIt is observed that many people cook the foods at above 116 degrees Fahrenheit. Therefore, you can include raw and living foods in your diet to treat acid reflux.Symptoms of GERDSome of the symptoms are regurgitation, heartburn, nausea, burping, bloody vomiting, black stools, dry cough, soar throat, hiccups and hoarseness etc. It destroys the beneficial enzymes. You can use the good quality sea salt instead of cheap table salt